ACCESS Academy Alternative Program


科贝特大街6318号.波特兰,OR 97239Ph (503) 916-6482Fx (503) 916-2482

Ph Fx

Ph Fx




  • Centering Students: Humanization & 增长


    I'm so excited to be sharing our 3rd year together. 对我们来说,这是稳定的结合,我们在永久家园的第二年,增加了支持人员,延长了罢工和线上博彩平台关闭. 在整个过程中,我们的重点是以我们的学生为中心,确保我们吸引所有的学生,培养一个安全的环境, so that learning and acceleration happens that spurs everyone to true growth. 我们知道,当我们拥有牢固的关系,并将彼此视为完整的人, incredible creativity and enrichment can happen. 今年,我们的工作人员正在与《线上博彩平台》一书合作,因为我们发展了自己的实践,以更有效地为学生服务. 我们期待着在一起的每一分钟的教学和关系时间, 努力使我们的原子连接产生最强大的分子. 





  • Our 22-23 Mission: Reunify and Equitably, Creatively, and Joyously Learn & 一起成长


    感谢所有当前的, 过去的, 以及未来的Atoms,感谢你们让21-22成为了一个令人难以置信的学习和社区建设经历,即使在一年不断变化和许多后勤挑战的情况下,我们也在蓬勃发展. I'm beyond impressed with our students, 工作人员, and families and continue to be so honored to be your principal. 

    As we prepare for the 22-23 school year, there is so much to be excited about! We are beyond thrilled to be coming together in our new (to us!)大厦,地址为6318s. Corbett大街. 我们有一个完全属于我们的空间,当我们居住在其中时,我们将每天制造更多的原子. 我们期待与社区合作,因为我们学习了所有可以使用它来更有效地为所有atom服务的好方法. We're also proud and delighted to have an updated 使命及抱负 来支撑我们所有的工作,帮助我们始终专注于使我们成为原子的价值观和目标. 我们有一个很好的基础,从这个基础出发,我们可以开展更惊人、更公平的工作. 

    作为校长,我每天都要努力塑造和促进我们的价值观和使命. 我将倾听我们的学生和你们每个人的意见,以确保我是你们在Atomic项目中最好的合作伙伴. It's going to be a lot of fun!



  • 欢迎来到ACCESS学院! We want to serve your Atom and help them thrive!

    Hello Atoms and Future Atoms, 

    I am so glad to be here with you, each and every one of you: Atomic students, 工作人员, family and community members, 以及那些正在探索ACCESS可能为你提供的可能性的人. 

    It is truly an honor to be your ACCESS Academy principal. 我在这里是因为我深信我们每个人都有很高的天赋,应该在社会上茁壮成长, 在情感上, 在学术上作为终身学习者和有价值的全球社区成员我们教育的每一个方面都必须反映这一点. 

    我们的ACCESS团队致力于积极地为公平而努力,并在我们批判性地分析和消除所有压迫的同时,将PPS的种族平等和社会正义框架交叉应用, 比如基于种族的歧视, 性别, 性, 能力, 语言, culture and 更多的 that deny learners full access to the best education possible. 我们知道我们的每一个学习者都应该得到满足他们独特需求的教育, 我们将个性化他们的经验,以确保他们加速卓越. 我们也知道,我们是一个学习社区的一部分,超越了ACCESS建筑, 我们想要连接并提供跨PPS加速学习的支持. There is a place for each of us in the ACCESS family. To that end, we are going to be moving toward an equity-centered Restorative Practices framework of communication and community building. Every voice matters, and we want to learn from yours.

    作为校长,我今年的个人任务是:我与所有原子学生的每一次互动, 工作人员, 家庭成员(社区成员)将帮助我们更多地了解自己的才能和天赋,并获得更多的权力, 个人的和系统的, as we continue to grow the greatest learning community in the world. I am going to do this by being fully present with you, listening and learning how best to facilitate your learning, constantly reflecting on my own growth and learning, 并与您合作,为每位学习者实施最佳实践. 

    The 21-22 school year is going to get off to a great start! 我们会做得很棒的, 我们一起创造性地工作,安全地过渡到面对面学习,并开始计划我们在特威利格地区的小学和中学的伟大统一. Please look out for regular newsletter updates about ACCESS on the 校报专区 网站的主页, which will also go out to current families through the School Messenger system. 与此同时, 无论何时, 无论您目前是学院的一员,还是想了解更多正规博彩平台如何为您和/或您的家人提供加速学习成长的服务, 请伸出援手. 我想听到你的声音,我总是从你的问题和反馈中学习.

    Thank you again for being here. 能与你们分享并受益于你们的特殊才能和天赋是一种荣幸. 你摇滚!


    Your Atomically Proud Principal,




  • Earthstock Brings the Joy to the Crystal Ballroom

     Two students dance at Earthstock 2024.

    30多年前,麦迪逊高中的学生约瑟夫·詹森有一个简单的愿望. 他想去参加舞会. But nothing was simple for Joseph, 他生来就患有杜氏肌萎缩症,只能坐在轮椅上吗. 

    He confided his wish to Tony Nitz, who at that time was an educational assistant at Madison (now Leodis V. 麦克丹尼尔高中). 托尼已经和约瑟夫一对一地工作了几个月了,他立即着手让这个年轻人的梦想成真.

    “The truth is, I would have done anything for Joseph,” Nitz said. “He was a unique person, and we had a very special bond.”

  • 格伦科小学辅导员和GSA协调员写了一本亚洲博彩平台选择家庭的书

     This is a photo of Madi Bourdon's book, A Kid's Book About Chosen Family.

    Madi Bourdon’s first book practically wrote itself. 

    根据格伦科小学辅导员和同性恋直男联盟(GSA)协调员的说法, it only took them an hour and a half to finish A Kid’s Book About Chosen Family, which came out this March with A Kid’s Co. 出版.

  • Mission Accomplished: Roosevelt Senior Helps Green Card Holders Obtain U.S. 公民身份


    在过去的三年里,Alondra Nieves Barajas既是学生又是老师.

    大多数日子里, the senior from 罗斯福高中 attends class, 她做家庭作业吗?, and spends time with her friends just like any other 18-year-old. 但在周三晚上, you can find her at the front desk, 教成年人——通常比她年长得多——美国入籍考试的细节.

  • PPS Senior Program Manager of Energy & Sustain能力 Invited to White House Summit


    然后他把这个消息告诉了几个同事,他们向他保证这不是开玩笑, and the exciting reality that he had been invited to Washington, D.C. 在白宫举行的首届可持续和健康的K-12线上博彩平台建筑和场地峰会上发表演讲.



